Authors Matthew A. Young and Tyler Hoar:In the first of this three part series on the "Winter Finch Update", we covered the Pine Grosbeaks and the redpolls in "The Return Begins". Below we get into ...
Winter Finch Forecast Update: The Return Begins
By Tyler Hoar and Matthew A. Young: As winter's grip relaxes, the snow melts, the sun feels warmer, and Northern Cardinals, American Robins and House Finches are singing their first widespread songs ...
Cape May Red Crossbills
Authors Michael O’Brien & Tom Johnson:New Jersey’s Cape May peninsula has been well watched by birders for over a century, making it an excellent place to attain insight into the long-term ebb and ...
10,000+ Red Crossbill Recordings in Macaulay Library
Authors Tim Spahr and Matthew A. Young,DOCUMENTING AND RECORDING CROSSBILL CALLS:Macaulay Library has recently passed 10,000 red crossbill recordings (10,500+ actually) making it the most common (= ...
Crossbills here, there, and everywhere
By Matthew A. Young and Timothy J. Spahr: This certainly has been an interesting year and an interesting fall. Hopefully the irruption of finches and what the Finch Research Network (FiRN) has been ...
The Finches of Cloudland: A Love of the Rosy-Finch
By Dr. Lynne Spriggs O’Connor:On October 23rd, I received an exciting message from a friend who lives in Glacier National Park. Kelly is a birder and leads nature hikes through Glacier.“Saw lots of ...