Support & Collaboration


  • Tyler Hoar and Ron Pittaway | Finch Forecast
  • David Yeany | Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
  • Lucas DeGroote | Powdermill Nature Reserve, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
  • Derek Sallmann | Badgerland Birding
  • Ryan Sallmann | Badgerland Birding
  • Freeport Wild Bird Supply
  • Josh Stasik Aspen Song Wild Bird Feed
  • Wild Bird Feeding Institute
  • Lillian Stokes | Stokes Guides
  • Jamie Cornelius | Oregon State
  • Thomas P. Hahn | UC Davis
  • Nathan Pieplow | Earbirding
  • Weston Barker| FiRN Art
  • Lance Benner | Pasadena Audubon
  • Ben Tonelli | Research Data Analyst
  • Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  • Amur Bird Project
  • Jeff Groth | American Museum of Natural History
  • Mark Robbins | U. Kansas
  • David Lindo | The Urban Birder
  • David Hines, M.D.
  • David Tønnessen | University of Colorado-Boulder EBIO Department
  • Peter Capainolo | American Museum of Natural History
  • Daniel Sheire | Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  • Andrew Spencer |Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  • Jay McGowan | Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  • Doug Robinson | Oregon State
  • Caleb Centanni | Oregon State
  • Joe Gyekis | Finches, Irruptions and Mast Crops
  • Pooja Panwar | University of Arkansas
  • Anant Deshwal | University of Arkansas
  • Ryan Brady | Wisconsin DNR
  • Nick Anich | Wisconsin DNR
  • Alex Lamoreaux | Wildside Nature Tours
  • Kenneth Blankenship | East-West Birding Tours
  • Joan Collins | Adirondack Avian Expeditions
  • Colin Jones | Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre
  • Doug Hitchcox | Maine Audubon
  • Eric Snyder | Hog Island Maine Audubon Camp
  • Eva Matthews| Hog Island Maine Audubon Camp
  • Cheryl Ring | Augusta Birding Club
  • Glenn Hodgkins | Augusta Birding Club
  • Bob Dunlap | Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union
  • John G. Woods | Ph.D. (Zoology)
  • Syd Cannings | Canadian Wildlife Service
  • Lila Tauzer | Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
  • Keith Bruce | Kodiak Island, Alaska
  • Bill Evans | Old Bird, Inc
  • Ryan Mandelbaum
  • Michèle Peron
  • Liron Gertsman
  • Catherine Hamilton
  • Dr. Gabrielle Names
  • Matthew Williams
  • Silvester Williams
  • Lynne Spriggs
  • Emily Ritter
  • Zac Cota
  • Ethan Muller
  • Daniel Moss
  • Jon King
  • Jack Bowling
  • Cathy Antoniazzi
  • Isaac Nelson
  • Jens Halbauer
  • Mathias Putze
  • Martin Grimm
  • Vanessa Robinson
  • and the thousands of finch photographers, videographers and sound recordists!

If we forgot anyone please do let us know.! We want everyone to be part of the Network of finch fans that Ron Pittaway and Ian Newton started decades ago!