Author Ryan F. Mandelbaum:This winter’s superflight of irruptive finches has been especially rewarding for many of us with bird feeders, as flocks of Pine Siskins, Common Redpolls, Evening Grosbeaks ...
Flight Directions of Boreal Finches in the Irruption of 2020
by Bill Evans: As this year’s broad-spectrum finch irruption expanded, I happened to be taking a daily core sample of morning flight activity from a vista walking distance from my home, ~8 miles south ...
The Redpoll Complex: Redpolls, redpolls, redpolls…….and the usual cautionary tales.
By Matthew A. Young:One of the things we, the Finch Research Network (FiRN), plan to do for the birding and ornithological communities, is to help with tough finch identifications, and there’s ...
A Lesser-Known Irruption Is Occurring in the West
By Ryan F. Mandelbaum:While finch fans are experiencing a banner year for boreal birds in the Eastern United States, birders in the West have their own finches on the move.Lawrence’s Goldfinches are ...
Irruption Alert: Redpolls Ride South In Perhaps Their Largest Push In Almost A Decade
By Tyler Hoar and Matthew Young:Redpolls are on the move this winter, and we’re perhaps looking at their biggest push south in almost a decade. Why is this, you ask? Redpolls follow birch and ...
Irruption Alert: Evening Grosbeaks are moving in largest numbers in 20+ years
Irruption Alert: Evening Grosbeaks are moving in their largest numbers in 20+ years.By Tyler Hoar and Matthew Young:The Evening Grosbeak irruption for winter 2020-21 is well underway! Similar to the ...