House Finch
Haemorhous mexicanus (Müller 1776)

Editors Note:
This is a shell account and still needs to be completed, but is a species we plan to cover.
Appearance —
Natural History
One of the most common and numerous birds throughout much of the contiguous United States, southern Canada, and Mexico. From a few California individuals released from a pet store in New York City in 1939, this eastern population has expanded to meet western population. Is found in a variety of habitats including farms, cities, woodlots and more.
Taxonomy —
Object of study —
Flight call variations and genetics.
Flight Call
Calls consist of sharp, single or multiple cheeps, given frequently by both males and females in a variety of contexts, both from perches and in flight. Appear to function primarily as contact calls. Flight calls can be confused with Evening Grosbeak flight calls and some Red Crossbill call types such as Types 1, 2, 6, 7 and 9 (now Cassia Crossbill). The cadence is different from these species though– the House Finch often doesn’t give the call singly like the Evening Grosbeak or in a series of jip-jip-jips like the Red Crossbill.
Non-irruptive, but some migration does occur, especially in the west.