Common Rosefinch

© Roland Neumann

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus Pallas (1770)

Medium-sized finch with stout beak. Adult males bright red but paler red to white underparts. Females grey with whitish underparts. First summer males usually green-grey.

Natural History:
The Common Rosefinch is widespread in the Northern Palearctic, except the Far North. It is also patchily distributed further south, in the Himalayan region, the Pamir and South East Asia.
Due to its eye-catching appearance and far-reaching conspicious singing, the Common Rosefinch cannot be overlooked or overheard in the field.
Besides a number of calls, the Common Rosefinch has two different types of song. Although the species is well researched, the meaning of both song types has not yet been clarified.
The short song is the common song type (3-5 syllables) and is often recognisable on an individual level, whereas the long song (6-8 syllables) seems to be performed much rarer.

Carpodacus erythrinus erythrinus
-> N, C and E Europe to C Siberia
Carpodacus erythrinus grebnitskii
-> E Siberia, N Mongolia, NE China and Korea
Carpodacus erythrinus kubanensis
-> Turkey, the Caucasus, N Iran and Turkmenistan
Carpodacus erythrinus ferghanensis
-> E Kazakhstan to W China, W Himalayas, Pakistan and Afghanistan
Carpodacus erythrinus roseatus
-> C and E Himalayas to C and S China

Object of study: Function of both song types

Known song types:

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus e. erythrinus AD M, short song
PFR07413, 26/05/2012, Großdeuben, Germany, Patrick Franke
Common Rosefinch Carpodacus e. erythrinus AD M, long song
27/06/2016, Nienhagen, Germany, Roland Neumann
complete and incomplete song
Common Rosefinch Carpodacus e. erythrinus 2CY M, long song
PFR14845, 10/06/2018, Buchhorst, Germany, Patrick Franke
note plasticity in second song

FiRN Needs: Sound recordings from the entire distribution area would be appreciated.

email Patrick