Lesser Redpoll
Acanthis cabaret (Müller 1776)
Photo: © Martin Grimm

Brown and white birds with heavily streaked sides. Small red forehead patch, black feathering around a yellow bill, and two white wingbars. Males have a pale red vest on the chest and upper flanks.
Natural History
Lesser Redpolls are regularly found on the British Islands, Southern Fenno Scandia, northern Central and Eastern Europe.
monotypic (species status controversial)
-> Britain to C Europe
Object of study
Vocalizations in relation to taxonomy.
Flight Call
A clipped and dry che or chit, given singly or more usually as 2 or 3 calls, or even longer series of chee-chee-chee or chit-chit-chit. Resembles Two-barred and Type D Red Crossbill flight calls, but usually smaller gaps between phrases.
Irruptions —
For more on Lesser Redpolls see here: